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Complexity Filter

Complexity filter is located at the bottom of the screen. It filters processes by their complexity. You can view only simple processes, or most complex, or something between.

'GIF missä suodatetaan'

Complexity score

Filter uses 'complexity score' that is calculated to each process. When some processes are the same, they get same score.

Factors affecting complexity are:

  • Lenght of the process
  • Count of branching events
  • Count of merging events

Complexity filter modes

Complexity filter has two modes: 'Complexity' and 'Most common'.

Complexity mode

When complexity mode is selected, processes are sorted in the filter by complexity score. At the begin are most simple processes and at the and are the most complex one's.

'KUVA missä 10 prosessia, 2 tosi simppeliä, 4 suht simppeliä, 3 haaralla ja 1 tosi complex'


When Most common mode is selected, processes are sorted in the filter by most common scores.

Complexity filter in default view

As default complexity filter can be found from summary view, but it can be added also to processes view from formatting settings 'LISÄÄ POLKU'